Wednesday, May 30, 2007

New Summer 2007 Painted Ponies

At Last! The new Trail of Painted Poinies Summer 2007 herd has been released. To view, and pre-order, all of the new releases visit our Internet Store at The eight new figurines are: Stardust, Wie-Tou, Northern Lights, Sacred Reflection of Time, Boot Camp Pony, Navajo Black Beauty, Dynasty Pony, and Ceremonial Pony. In addition, there are four new Christmas 2007 figurines being released Gingerbread Pony, Penguin Express, Poinsettia Pony and Feliz Navidad are a must have for Christmas 2007. Also look for these four Christmas ponies as ornaments - they are packed in tins this year. Other new ornaments include, Copper Enchantment, Sacred Reflection of Time, Siverado, Native Jewel Pony, Dream Warriors and Boot Camp Pony.

If you are not familiar with our program here's an overview: When you place your pre-order, and pre-pay for the new release figurines you are interested in, we secure your first edition figurine. In addition, we ship issue numbers based on the date and time of your order. In other words, if you are the first person to place a pre-order with us, we will ship you the lowest number first edition we receive. When the new ponies come in September we will open each box and catalog all issue numbers before shipping a single pony. Then we begin shipping out ponies lowest numbers going out to the people who placed their orders first. The next lowest goes to the second person to have placed a pre-order with us, and so on and so forth until every last pony is gone. We often sell out before we receive delivery.

Don't delay - get your pre-order in today!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Herd - Trail of Painted Ponies

The latest news we're hearing is that the new herd of ponies will be released around the 1st of June. We still think that it is possible they'll be released just before the Labor Day weekend. That would be consistent with what was done last year. In the mean time, the ponies being released, and their prices are being kept Top Secret. Until we get the information on the items and prices we can't pre-sell. So, we're just waiting for now. Keep an eye on this BLOG, because this will be where we put the first announcement up, once we receive the information. The order of things: Once we get word, the new herd will go in the store for pre-order, we'll immediately post the information on this BLOG, and then we'll begin e-mailing our customers. It can take up to 3 days to get all the emails out. Since first pre-orders in get the lowest issue numbers we receive, this BLOG is the best place to get the information that will insure you low numbers.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Breyer - Silver Dapple Mustang

What is it? That's what we were wondering until this morning. Evidently, while running test colors for the "Where in the World is Pegasus?" models Breyer had a couple hundred of these made. Instead of destroying them they randomly put them in some of the cases of Pegasus product shipped out to retailers. We don't know who got them, but we could not find them at any of the on-line retailers we checked. We did find them on E-bay though. If you've just gotta have one, you may want to check there. Good luck, and Happy Shopping.