Thursday, June 18, 2009

Trail of Painted Ponies - 1 LAGH Members Coments

We receive quite a few favaorable member coments on our site. We usually don't make a big deal of it, but here's one we thought you might like to see. I'm retyping this email just as we received it but leaving the members' name out for her privacey. This email came in response to our email in response to a routine question.


Thank you for your response.
Just to let you know
I live in Myrtle Beach.
My favorite store is here "Wolf Creek Gallery"
I purchase almost everything native American from them
Except for the painted ponies
Your prices are exceptional
Considering I am unemployed and money is so tight there is no way that I would
be able to collect the ponies w/o purchasing them thru you.
I also recommend your web site to everyone here that may be interested in the
painted pony line because your prices are so much better than anywhere else
So, thank you so much for being there for me (and everyone else) !

That's the end of the email with the exception of a personal note, and that pretty well sums it all up. That's the reason we do what we do - It's for you.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Trail of Painted Ponies

I took a look around the Internet today, for Painted Ponies. It's amazing how many people are selling them. If you include ebay sellers, the number of people selling Painted Ponies is staggering. We're still the number 1 Internet seller of Painted Ponies, and here are a few of the reasons why: (1) Unbeatable Member Pricing, there's not much more to be said on that. (2) When we pre-sell the Painted Ponies new releases, we give the lowest 1st edition issue numbers we receive to our members who place their pre-orders with us first. (3) Unbeatable service, that's just a fact. (4) We guarantee the product 100%. Bottom line, even though there are many sellers of Painted Ponies, we're still #1 and we plan to keep it that way. If you're buying Painted Ponies anywhere else, you should check us out. Become a member and reap the rewards in additional savings. You'll be glad you did. I guarantee it!