Thursday, September 27, 2007

Twilight Terror!

I just got of the phone with our Breyer sales representative and the news on Twilight Terror is not good. Evidently Breyer had a total of 3 containers of Twilight Terror come in from China. The first two containers were fine, but the models in the third container all had a problem with the lighting mechanism in the model. As a result, we are being told that we will only receive a fraction of the Twilight Terrors that we had ordered. We can choose to re-order the rest, but we won't receive them until later. We don't have all the details on this yet, but we will have by this afternoon. Once we have all the details we will be emailing all of our customers who have Twilight Terror on pre-order to explain all of the options Breyer has given us, and to find out what each individual would like to do. We are being told that they will give us some kind of incentive to reorder the models we did not receive. We'll want to give our clients access to those same incentives once we know what they are, so you can make an informed decision as to what to do. We are sorry for this inconvenience. Again, if you have Twilight Terror on pre-order with us, you should be expecting a detailed email explaining the situation and outlining options. In the mean time feel free to call us at (866) 450-5244.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Twilight Terror!

We received a call from Con-way freight late last night. They said they would be delivering a large shipment from Breyer on Thursday the 27th. Of course, they don't know exactly what's on that shipment, but we can speculate. We have a large order that should be arriving in preparation for Christmas, it could be that. Or, it could be Twilight Terror, Wintersong and all the Christmas items. That would be a large shipment in itself. It could be both. We'll find out for sure what's on it when it arrives tomorrow. In the mean time, we're hoping to hear from our sales representative today. She'll know what is on tomorrows shipment. If we get news from her today we'll post an announcement here as soon as we know. Otherwise, look for another post tomorrow on whether we have received Twilight Terror on the big Con-way shipment.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Breyer Snow Globe!

Yesterday, a client told us that they had heard the Breyer 2007 Home for the Holidays musical snow globe would not be shipping this year. They said they heard there had been some sort of production problem. We contacted our sales representative and verified that the snow globe would not be shipping. No specific reason was stated.

So, If you have one or more of the Home for the Holidays snow globes on pre-order we'll be contacting you to refund your money the first of next week. We know how disappointing this is; we started collecting them for our Granddaughter last year. We're very sorry that this particular item is not being produced.